
Kuwano, A., Evan, A. T., Walkowiak, B., & Frouin, R. (2024). Quantifying the dust direct radiative effect in the southwestern United States: findings from multiyear measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24(17), 9843–9868.
Kok, J. F., Storelvmo, T., Karydis, V. A., Adebiyi, A. A., Mahowald, N. M., Evan, A. T., He, C., & Leung, D. M. (2023). Mineral dust aerosol impacts on global climate and climate change. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 4(2), 71–86.
Evan, A. T., Porter, W. C., Clemesha, R., Kuwano, A., & Frouin, R. (2023). Characteristics of Dust Storms Generated by Trapped Waves in the Lee of Mountains. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 80(3), 743–761.
Kuwano, A., & Evan, A. (2022). A Method to Account for the Impact of Water Vapor on Observation‐Based Estimates of the Clear‐Sky Shortwave Direct Radiative Effect of Mineral Dust. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127(17).
Evan, A. T., Porter, W., Clemesha, R., Kuwano, A., & Frouin, R. (2022). Measurements of a dusty density current in the western Sonoran Desert. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 127(8), 22.
McElroy, S., Dimitrova, A., Evan, A., & Benmarhnia, T. (2022). Saharan dust and childhood respiratory symptoms in Benin. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(8), 11.
Evan, A., Walkowiak, B., & Frouin, R. (2022). On the Misclassification of Dust as Cloud at an AERONET Site in the Sonoran Desert. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 39(2), 181–191.
Voss, K. K., Evan, A. T., & Ralph, F. M. (2021). Evaluating the meteorological conditions associated with dusty atmospheric rivers. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 126(24), 14.
Mascioli, N. R., Evan, A. T., & Ralph, F. M. (2021). Influence of dust on precipitation during landfalling atmospheric rivers in an idealized framework. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 126(22), 17.
Evan, A., & Eisenman, I. (2021). A mechanism for regional variations in snowpack melt under rising temperature. Nature Climate Change.
Francis, D., Fonseca, R., Nelli, N., Cuesta, J., Weston, M., Evan, A., & Temimi, M. (2020). The atmospheric drivers of the major Saharan dust storm in June 2020. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(24).
Voss, K. K., Evan, A. T., Prather, K. A., & Ralph, F. M. (2020). Dusty atmospheric rivers: Characteristics and origins. Journal of Climate, 33(22), 9749–9762.
Yuan, T., Yu, H., Chin, M., Remer, L. A., McGee, D., & Evan, A. (2020). Anthropogenic decline of African dust: Insights from the Holocene records and beyond. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(22), e2020GL089711.
Voss, K. K., & Evan, A. (2020). A new satellite-based global climatology of dust aerosol optical depth. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 59(1), 83–102.
Evan, A. T. (2019). Downslope winds and dust storms in the Salton Basin. Monthly Weather Review, 147(7), 2387–2402.
Evan, A. T. (2019). A new method to characterize changes in the seasonal cycle of snowpack. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 58(1), 131–143.
Dalu, G. A., Gaetani, M., Lavaysse, C., Flamant, C., Evan, A. T., & Baldi, M. (2018). Simple solutions for the summer shallow atmospheric circulation over North Africa. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 144(712), 765–779.
Kok, J. F., Ward, D. S., Mahowald, N. M., & Evan, A. T. (2018). Global and regional importance of the direct dust-climate feedback. Nature Communications, 9.
Evan, A. T. (2018). Surface winds and dust biases in climate models. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(2), 1079–1085.
Wang, W. J., Evan, A. T., Lavaysse, C., & Flamant, C. (2017). The role the Saharan Heat Low plays in dust emission and transport during summertime in North Africa. Aeolian Research, 28, 1–12.
Lavaysse, C., Flamant, C., Evan, A., Janicot, S., & Gaetani, M. (2016). Recent climatological trend of the Saharan heat low and its impact on the West African climate. Climate Dynamics, 47(11), 3479–3498.
Pecenak, Z. K., Mejia, F. A., Kurtz, B., Evan, A., & Kleissl, J. (2016). Simulating irradiance enhancement dependence on cloud optical depth and solar zenith angle. Solar Energy, 136, 675–681.
Norris, J. R., Allen, R. J., Evan, A. T., Zelinka, M. D., O’Dell, C. W., & Klein, S. A. (2016). Evidence for climate change in the satellite cloud record. Nature.
Evan, A. T., Flamant, C., Gaetani, M., & Guichard, F. (2016). The past, present and future of African dust. Nature, 531(7595), 493-+.
Allen, R. J., Evan, A. T., & Booth, B. B. B. (2015). Interhemispheric aerosol radiative forcing and tropical precipitation shifts during the late Twentieth Century. Journal of Climate, 28(20), 8219–8246.
Yu, K. L., D’Odorico, P., Bhattachan, A., Okin, G. S., & Evan, A. T. (2015). Dust-rainfall feedback in West African Sahel. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(18), 7563–7571.
Norris, J. R., & Evan, A. T. (2015). Empirical removal of artifacts from the ISCCP and PATMOS-x satellite cloud records. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 32(4), 691–702.
Evan, A. T., Fiedler, S., Zhao, C., Menut, L., Schepanski, K., Flamant, C., & Doherty, O. (2015). Derivation of an observation-based map of North African dust emission. Aeolian Research, 16, 153–162.
Evan, A. T., Flamant, C., Lavaysse, C., Kocha, C., & Saci, A. (2015). Water vapor-forced greenhouse warming over the Sahara Desert and the recent recovery from the Sahelian drought. Journal of Climate, 28(1), 108–123.
Doherty, O. M., & Evan, A. T. (2014). Identification of a new dust-stratocumulus indirect effect over the tropical North Atlantic. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(19), 6935–6942.
Evan, A. T., Flamant, C., Fiedler, S., & Doherty, O. (2014). An analysis of aeolian dust in climate models. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(16), 5996–6001.
Foltz, G. R., Evan, A. T., Freitag, H. P., Brown, S., & McPhaden, M. J. (2013). Dust accumulation biases in PIRATA shortwave radiation records. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 30(7), 1414–1432.
Evan, A. T., Allen, R. J., Bennartz, R., & Vimont, D. J. (2013). The modification of sea surface temperature anomaly linear damping time scales by stratocumulus clouds. Journal of Climate, 26(11), 3619–3630.
Das, R., Evan, A., & Lawrence, D. (2013). Contributions of long-distance dust transport to atmospheric P inputs in the Yucatan Peninsula. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 27.
Evan, A. T., & Norris, J. R. (2012). On global changes in effective cloud height. Geophysical Research Letters, 39.
Evan, A. T., Foltz, G. R., & Zhang, D. X. (2012). Physical response of the tropical-subtropical North Atlantic Ocean to decadal-multidecadal forcing by African dust. Journal of Climate, 25(17), 5817–5829.
Wang, C. Z., Dong, S. F., Evan, A. T., Foltz, G. R., & Lee, S. K. (2012). Multidecadal covariability of North Atlantic sea surface temperature, African dust, sahel rainfall, and Atlantic hurricanes. Journal of Climate, 25(15), 5404–5415.
Heidinger, A. K., Evan, A. T., Foster, M. J., & Walther, A. (2012). A naive Bayesian cloud-detection scheme derived from CALIPSO and applied within PATMOS-x. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 51(6), 1129–1144.
Evan, A. T. (2012). Atlantic hurricane activity following two major volcanic eruptions. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 117.
Evan, A. (2012). Climate science: Aerosols and Atlantic aberrations. Nature, 484(7393), 170–171.
Evan, A. T., Foltz, G. R., Zhang, D. X., & Vimont, D. J. (2011). Influence of African dust on ocean-atmosphere variability in the tropical Atlantic. Nature Geoscience, 4(11), 762–765.
Evan, A. T., Kossin, J. P., Chung, C., & Ramanathan, V. (2011). Arabian Sea tropical cyclones intensified by emissions of black carbon and other aerosols. Nature, 479(7371), 94-U119.
Evan, A. T., & Camargo, S. J. (2011). A climatology of Arabian Sea cyclonic storms. Journal of Climate, 24(1), 140–158.
Evan, A. T., & Mukhopadhyay, S. (2010). African dust over the northern tropical Atlantic: 1955-2008. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 49(11), 2213–2229.
Evan, A. T., Vimont, D. J., Heidinger, A. K., Kossin, J. P., & Bennartz, R. (2009). The role of aerosols in the evolution of tropical North Atlantic Ocean temperature anomalies. Science, 324(5928), 778–781.
Evan, A. T., Heidinger, A. K., Bennartz, R., Bennington, V., Mahowald, N. M., Corrada-Bravo, H., Velden, C. S., Myhre, G., & Kossin, J. P. (2008). Ocean temperature forcing by aerosols across the Atlantic tropical cyclone development region. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 9.
Ramankutty, N., Evan, A. T., Monfreda, C., & Foley, J. A. (2008). Farming the planet: 1. Geographic distribution of global agricultural lands in the year 2000. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 22(1).
Evan, A. T., Heidinger, A. K., & Vimont, D. J. (2007). Arguments against a physical long-term trend in global ISCCP cloud amounts. Geophysical Research Letters, 34(4).
Evan, A. T., Dunion, J., Foley, J. A., Heidinger, A. K., & Velden, C. S. (2006). New evidence for a relationship between Atlantic tropical cyclone activity and African dust outbreaks. Geophysical Research Letters, 33(19).
Evan, A. T., Heidinger, A. K., & Pavolonis, M. J. (2006). Development of a new over-water Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer dust detection algorithm. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27(18), 3903–3924.